sábado, 24 de setembro de 2011

Amazon 2011- Pre Expectations

         We choose to go on this voyage because we believe it is important to learn about one of the most major attractions in Brazil. We want to learn more about the rainforest, its animals, and daily life in the rainforest. We would really love to learn more about how the rain forest's animals life, like how monkeys swing from tree to tree. Our fears are the mosquitoes, snakes, poisonous animals, cockroaches, and more. Our anxieties are to have the opportunity to sleep in the actual, real life rain forest, with all of its animals and creatures staring at us! We are also looking forward to learn how the indigenous live, and how they accomplish daily tasks. We think this trip will provide an opportunity to learn more about our friends and our teachers. Also, this will help us use team work with each other to accomplish the different tasks and activities we are given throughout the week. With this wonderful, exciting experience, we can really learn more about Brazil itself, especially being foreigners of this amazing country. A majority of tourists come to Brazil to visit the Amazon, and to have the opportunity to learn about it in one week, is well, a great one! We think we can really visualize the Amazon because we are staying in the actual Amazon. We can see how its role on the world kicks in. We can really understand the beauty of the Amazon by spending a extravagant week in it! WE ARE EXTREMELY EXCITED!

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