quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011

Day 1- Welcome to the Amazon!!

Our group of friends waiting for the plane.

Our boat to the hotel.

We saw this caiman on our night boat tour.
Today, we took a GOL airplane to Manaus. From Manaus, we took a bus to the dock. From the dock, we took a boat to the hotel. What are our impressions of the Amazon? Read ahead to find out! To start off, our first impressions were interesting. We could smell the huge Amazon river. We could smell the wood of the trees, the fresh oxygen in the air, and the mosquito repellent on everybody's bodies. We could feel the humidity in the air. We could feel the sun rays beaming on us, and we could feel the scales of alligators. We could see all the huge trees, and the big rain forest. We could see the crossing of the rivers from the air plane. We could see a toad in our toilet. We could hear the splashes of the river. We could hear the rustling in the forest. We could taste the yummy meat from the Churrascaria, and the special Bare from the Amazon. We could taste the coconut cookies too. The transportation in the Amazon is much different than in Brasilia. We had to take a boat to the hotel!! Have you ever done that before? The boat was a great opportunity to have because a lot of children don't get to take a boat to the hotel in the AMAZON. In Brasilia, to get to a hotel, you would usually take a taxi. The accomodations at the hotel were very different. First of all, the hotel was in the jungle. When we travel with our families, the hotel is usually never in a jungle. We had different types of animals in our room, which was really cool. At night time, we could hear the snakes slithering, and the jaguars pouncing around in the jungle. It was a fabulous experience to SLEEP in the jungle!! Our hotel room was surrounded by leaves, and plants. We had toads, frogs, ants, and cockroaches in our room. We had to walk a fair amount to get the the lobby and the breakfast room. There weren't many lights on the path that we were walking on, so we had to bring our flash lights. The hotel was like a hut. The breakfast room was a big area with different types of nautral materials on top. I think there are many similiarities between our life style, and the life style of people that live in this region. We both of family structures, like they have mothers, fathers, siblings, and sometimes pets. We both celebrate holidays, and we both have traditions dating back. They eat the same type of food as us, like meat and water.We both have toys to play with. We both wear clothing; bottoms and tops. Our Day 1 was a blast!!

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